=== WP Live CSS Editor === Contributors: funlab Donate link: http://www.flashdance.es/dontpanic/doku.php?id=wp-live-css-editor Tags: css, developer, designer, editor Requires at least: 2.7 Tested up to: 3.1 Stable tag: trunk Edit, preview changes and save all your project's CSS stylesheets live in the browser == Description == A CSS live Editor that allows you to preview realtime CSS changes and then save the CSS back while keeping dated backups. It's a port from a Drupal module Live CSS http://drupal.org/project/live_css by guybedford http://drupal.org/user/746802 NO PERMISSIONS NOR ROLES SETTINGS YET, DONT USE THIS PLUGIN ON PUBLIC SITES, IT'S JUST FOR DESIGNER TIME WP Live CSS Editor Wiki in spanish: http://www.flashdance.es/dontpanic/doku.php?id=wp-live-css-editor It works nice and perfect for me, but needs testing !!! == Installation == Upload the `wp-live-css-editor` folder to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress Use only while designing your site ! file structure: * /wp-content/plugins/wp-live-css-editor/ * /wp-content/plugins/wp-live-css-editor/wp-live-css-edtor.php * /wp-content/plugins/wp-live-css-editor/wp-live-css-edtor.js * /wp-content/plugins/wp-live-css-editor/wp-live-css-edtor-css.css * /wp-content/plugins/wp-live-css-editor/readme.txt * /wp-content/plugins/wp-live-css-editor/JSON.php * /wp-content/plugins/wp-live-css-editor/screenshot-1.jpg * /wp-content/plugins/wp-live-css-editor/bespin/ == Frequently Asked Questions == = Will it let me edit the theme's CSS, or just any CSS ? Can I choose which are editable ? = You can edit any and all CSS files that are loaded in the page. As long as they have write permission, and you are looged in. == Screenshots == 1. The live css editor with the header changed to red == Changelog == = 11.05.15 = * First Commit ! release 2011-05-15 * Now using wp_enqueue_scripts adn wp_enqueue_styles to correctly inject stylesheets and scripts * **Not for production sites**, just for design and development time. **Needs roles and permissions settings**, though **only logged in users can actually save changes**, any visitor can see it in action. * If it doesn't save changes, it's probably a **permission problem** with the CSS file (Or **you are not logged in**) * Will need to **clean up backups manually** via FTP when you are done, as they might be a lot and counting ! A restore version system would come in handy… * Seems to be fixed, but for a while the plugin was inflating the CSS files in each save by swarming trillions of slashes before every single and double quote * Fixed a BUG where relative urls wouldn't find the wp-admin/admin-ajax.php file, thanks to Gary Cao's wonderful tips: http://www.garyc40.com/2010/03/5-tips-for-using-ajax-in-wordpress/#js-global * Please ! **Backup your CSS files** before using it the first time, just in case ! * No plugin options nor admin page * A JSON helper for older PHP versions is there, but untested yet. * A floating window / drawer might be better than narrowing the whole page. == Upgrade Notice == Just the usual, deactivate plugin, replace files, activate. == Hola mundo ! == Este es mi primer plugin para Wordpress. Está basado en el módulo de [Drupal Live CSS] (http://drupal.org/project/live_css) de [guybedford] (http://drupal.org/user/746802) Es un editor de CSS que te permite editar en directo todas las hojas de estilo CSS de tu web, ver los cambios y guardar sobre la marcha. Está pensada para usarla al diseñar la web, por lo que conviene desactivarlo o desinstalarlo una vez terminada. Cada vez que se guardan los cambios se genera una copia de seguridad fechada, para que puedas volver atrás si hace falta. Utiliza Bespin como editor y el autor original planea para pronto una versión con Ace. Advertencia !!! No depende de permisos, así que una vez activo, cualquiera, incluso sin estar registrado, puede verlo y usarlo. Sin embargo solo lxs usuarixs registradxs podrán guardar los cambios. Importante !!! Hacer copia de respaldo de los archivos CSS antes de probarlo ! Aunque el plugin genera automáticamente copias de seguridad fechadas en el mismo directorio en que estén los archivos modificados, siempre conviene tener una copia del estado general de la cosa antes de empezar a trastear. Si no funciona al guardar o hacer la copia de seguridad aparece un mensaje con las rutas del archivo que se intentaba modificar, la de la copia de seguridad y tal vez un mensaje de error. Lo más seguro es que el problema sea de permisos. Los CSS que quieras editar deberían tener permiso de escritura 755. Instalación La instalación es la típica de cualquier plugin de wordpress. Desempaquetar el zip en wp-content/plugins, y listo. No hay que tocar los temas ni hacer nada más que activarlo desde el panel de administración. No tiene opciones ni página propia en el panel de administración. Más información http://drupal.org/project/live_css Live CSS http://drupal.org/user/746802 guybedford http://drupal.org/user/78427 http://mozillalabs.com/skywriter/2011/01/18/mozilla-skywriter-has-been-merged-into-ace/ http://www.ajax.org/ http://ace.ajax.org/ http://codex.wordpress.org/AJAX_in_Plugins http://briancray.com/2009/08/19/wordpress-head-element/ http://www.devlounge.net/code/using-ajax-with-your-wordpress-plugin http://amiworks.co.in/talk/simplified-ajax-for-wordpress-plugin-developers-using-jquery/ http://drupal.org/project/cssedit Realtime CSS Editor http://drupal.org/user/78427 tjholowaychuk Por hacer Ventana flotante: Sería mejor que empujar la web a la izquierda, pero bueno, quizás cuando el plugin original de Drupal utilice Ace.